Replacement filter elements from a single source
As an experienced manufacturer, STAUFF provides quick and direct access to a complete range of replacement filter elements for industrial liquids such as hydraulic and lubrication oils, heavy fuels, water, chemicals and coolants – equal in form and fit to the original products while maintaining or surpassing their performance. Flexible manufacturing lines and extensive stock-keeping in the country of destination guarantee fast reaction times and shortest delivery times.

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filter elements
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This is how it works:
Please enter at least 3 consecutive digits from the order designation of the replacement filter element you have in the search field located at the top right. It is not required at all to select or enter the manufacturer or any additional information.
In the result, you will get the designation of the matching STAUFF filter element as well as further technical information. All data can be saved as a data sheet in PDF format if required.
If there are too many search results, we recommend limiting the query further by entering additional digits from the original element designation.
Your benefits:
- Direct access to over 100,000 data sets for various international manufacturers
- Cross-references for almost all common filter brands and types – ongoing updates and expansion of the database
- Comfortable watch list functionality to document and permanently save your search results
- Option for requesting prices and delivery times without obligation – directly from the manufacturer and with a corresponding enquiry history
Please note:
Although our online database is regularly updated, it is not possible for us to represent the complete offerings of replacement filter elements from all manufacturers. However, a very large number of these filter elements are available from us. If your search does not provide any results, please do not hesitate to contact us and provide the Manufacturer’s Code that you have on hand.